Sand & Sage Entertainment Ready for August

Court-House-Windmill-2The music line up for the Sand and Sage Fair was finalized with the contract signing by the Prowers County Commissioners this past Thursday, May 9.  Country music headliner Josh Gracin will perform this August at the fairgrounds.  Gracin gained national prominence with his 4th place finish during the second season of American Idol, and has climbed the country music charts since then with such hits as, “We Weren’t Crazy” and “Nothin to Lose”.    The commissioners also signed contracts provided by Cindy Bennet from the fair board for such diverse entertainment as Avid4 Adventure which brings back shallow-water kayaking for youngsters.  That funding was provided by donations from Wal-mart employees.  The Masters of the Chainsaws will return and kid’s inflatable rides will be featured. 

Staffon Warn, Prowers County Fire Chief, reviewed the annual agreement for the 2013 Southeast Region Wildfire Operating Plan for the commissioners.  The agreement provides guidelines and regulations for the interagency firefighting departments in several counties and governmental departments.  Fire departments from Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers Counties are members, as well as Bureau of Land Management and the Division of Fire Prevention and Control.  The agreement also provides guidelines for compensation to the various departments based on equipment and manpower used for fighting fires through the year. 

The county Burn Ban was discussed by Warn and the commissioners.  Although the ban has been rescinded since last year, the commissioners and the county fire department is mindful of the potential for wildfires this season.  Warn stated, “This season could be bad, based on the effects of the drought for the past year and heading into the summer season.”  There are basically no changes from last year, as Ag burning is exempt from any ban, but farmers are still urged to call the emergency command center is they plan to burn off their fields this spring.  Warn said the calls give him an idea of where the burns will take place and how many may be planned for any given day.  They provide his department with information regarding potential distribution of equipment and manpower when responding to any emergency calls within the county.  Warn asked residents to clear away any brush growing at the base of wooden power poles on or near their property, especially if they’re conducting a burn.  “When a pole catches fire, it’s usually the base that burns away,” he said.  The fire chief explained that even if the pole isn’t entirely burned away, it weakens the base and winds will easily knock them down, taking out the electric lines.  

PCDI Executive Director, Lisa Nolder, held her last meeting with the commissioners.  Nolder’s last day in her position will be May 31st, as she’s accepted employment out of the Lamar area.  She said the PCDI board has received two resumes for consideration, but has yet to advertise the position.  There was a year and a half gap between Nolder’s hiring and the departure of her predecessor, and the board doesn’t want to go that long before hiring her replacement.  Nolder described the potential for a small business interest for the Granada area which would employ 10 immigrant workers from Costa Rica.  She’s been discussing the housing situation in the community as well as the need for a 4,000 square foot facility.  Nolder said the business owner hopes to develop his operation over the next five years to employ as many as from 30 to 40 workers.  

In other action, the commissioners signed off on the annual contract for the county’s Nurse Home Visitor’s Program.  As explained by Justin Lee, Director of Public Health and Environment the program is valued at $343,911.  Commissioner Joe Marble asked for a clarification of the funds as several different figures were included in the contract.  Specific details weren’t mentioned at the meeting, but the search for Lee’s Deputy Director for the health department may be coming to a close. 

The Commissioners approved a letter of designation of Ray Garcia, Huerfano County Commissioner, as Chief Local Elected Official for the S.E. Sub-Region on the Board of Local Elected Officials for the Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium.  There was a unanimous vote for the contract with the Lamar High School DECA Club for use of the fairgrounds Home-Ec Building and to re-appoint Mendi Choat to the Lamar Partnership Incorporated board for another year.

By Russ Baldwin

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