All Entries Tagged With: "Shawna Hodge"

Hodge Departing from Lamar’s URA and Main Street Program
Shawna Hodge has submitted her resignation as Lamar’s Main Street Community Coordinator, effective September 30. In her letter, submitted to the City of Lamar on Tuesday September 8, Hodge said she will relocate to the Denver area to pursue a career in similar fields. Hodge is also the Executive Director of Lamar Partnership Incorporated and […]

Urban Redevelopment Discusses Value Added Construction
Discussion over funding a roof for a recently purchased downtown business and a new restaurant project was held by Lamar’s Urban Redevelopment Authority Monday, August 10. The Authority also decided to invite Prowers County Assessor, Andy Wyatt, to a future work session to discuss what constitutes added value to a property when basic infrastructure improvements […]

New Downtown Beautification Programs Approved for Lamar
The Lamar Redevelopment Authority approved $27,000 in Authority funds to purchase and install new concrete flowerboxes for the east and west sides of Main Street in Lamar, from Beech Street to Elm Street. Shawna Hodge, Community Development and Urban Renewal Manager, told the Authority that the new boxes will blend with the existing architectural features […]

Council Considers Lights for Lucy’s Tacos
The owner of Lucy’s Tacos food wagon on South Main Street in Lamar has asked the city council if three light poles, similar to the decorative ones along downtown Lamar, could be erected near the new eatery. The spot has caught on with local residents and serves lunch and dinners into the evening hours. It’s […]

Urban Authority Okays Funding for Las Brisas
“Thank you for your consideration and for establishing this organization which can help fund business ventures and re-purpose existing businesses in town,” said Alfred Bergquist, during his attendance at the Monday evening meeting of the Lamar Redevelopment Authority. Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, had asked Mr. Bergquist if he had any comments regarding his grant application […]

Las Brisas Upgrades Considered by Urban Renewal Authority, Taco Johns to Re-Open
The Lamar Redevelopment Authority Board considered a request from Alfred Bergquist and Armando Bieza for funding to help remodel their restaurant, Las Brisas, at 300-302 South Main Street in Lamar this past Monday, May 11th. Bergquist wants to continue to make improvements to the property which he purchased in 2013. Funds from the Urban […]

All About Skin Requests Improvement Grant from URA
Jo Goff, owner of All About Skin, at 201 South 4th Street in Lamar, requested a building improvement grant from the Lamar Urban Renewal Authority this past Monday, April 13. Shawna Hodge, Community Development and Urban Renewal Manager, informed the board the building’s roof is in need of replacement, amounting to $29,102. A letter submitted […]

New Business Development for Lamar, LPI Holds Annual Board Meeting
The annual report for 2014 for Lamar Partnership Incorporated was delivered to board members by Shawna Hodge, Executive Director this past Wednesday, February 25 at the Lamar Chamber of Commerce offices. The organization’s goal is to educate and broaden the business district of Lamar by promoting Lamar’s cultural, historical and social significance. Hodge highlighted some […]

Kim Verhoeff Appointed Lamar Municipal Court Judge
Attorney Kim Verhoeff was the lone applicant to show interest in replacing Larry Stutler as the Municipal Court Judge for the City of Lamar. Stutler has tendered his resignation from the office effective December 31, 2014. He has been the Municipal Court Judge since 2008 and following the November General Election, was set for […]

Lodging Panel Funds Snow Goose Festival
The 13th Annual High Plains Snow Goose Festival received a $9,000 donation from the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel, about $1,000 less than they had requested, during the Panel’s monthly meeting this past Tuesday, October 21. The Festival was the only item on the donation agenda. Shawna Hodge, Lamar’s Main Street Director, told […]

Urban Redevelopment Authority Discusses Antique Alley Request
New procedures for funding requests from the Lamar Urban Redevelopment Authority were put into play prior to the City Council Meeting, Monday, September 29. The Council meets as the Authority Board. Antique Alley, a new family-owned business venture in the former Davis Western Store, requested funding from the Lamar Urban Redevelopment Authority to […]

Lamar’s Main Street Program Tops Other Colorado Towns
Shawna Hodge, Executive Director for Lamar Partnership Incorporated, announced that the city has won first place for the 2014 Colorado Main Street of the Year. She said the selection was made by the Colorado Main Street Advisory Board and announced earlier this month by the State Department of Local Affairs. The judging was based on […]

Lamar Hosts this Year’s State American Legion Convention, June 19-22
The City of Lamar was chosen to host this year’s 2014 Colorado American Legion Convention, and that convention will be underway this Thursday, June 19 through June 22, in and around Lamar beginning with a Thursday morning golf tournament at Spreading Antlers Golf Course. Almost a year ago, Denise Carder, then Lamar Chamber of Commerce […]

Southeast Colorado Arts Council Receives Viaero Donation
Viaero Wireless, one of the corporate sponsors from this September’s Pedal the Plains bicycle event, donated $500 to Southeast Colorado Arts Council this past Tuesday, December 03, at the Viaero Store on East Olive Street in Lamar. Sarah Hutt, Marketing Events Coordinator for Viaero, presented the check to Rose Ann Yates, President of the […]

New Lamar City Treasurer Assumes Duties, Budget & Annexation Hearings Postponed
Kristin Rau has been hired by the City of Lamar as the new treasurer, replacing Linda Rohlman who resigned her position several months ago. Rau was hired following the final round of candidate interviews by the council on Tuesday, September 24 and the council ratified a phone poll on the 25th during the council meeting, […]

Pedal the Plains, A Rolling Success
Sunny skies, mild temperatures and gentle winds all contributed to a perfect weekend for the Pedal the Plains event held in Lamar this past Friday and Saturday, September 20-21. Bike riders began arriving in Lamar from their starting point in Eads mid afternoon on Friday. Once they checked their bikes at the Lamar Community Building, […]

“Lamar Reflections” Mural is Taking Shape
“Lamar Reflections” is the name for the mosaic mural under construction on West Elm Street in Lamar. The mural will be erected in Bi-Centennial Park in Lamar prior to the September 20 arrival of over 1,000 bicyclists taking part in the annual Pedal the Plains event. The art work on the panels, which will stand […]

Grant Funds Downtown Lamar Economic Study
Lamar, by virtue of being a Colorado Main Street Community, recently received a grant from the Department of Local Affairs to fund a market niche assessment for the city and downtown businesses. Shawna Hodge, Lamar’s Main Street Coordinator, offered invitations to members of the community to attend the sessions, conducted during sessions held over […]

Lamar Chosen to Host 2014 State American Legion Convention
The City of Lamar will host the 2014 Colorado American Legion Convention. Denise Carder, Lamar Chamber of Commerce President and Shanwa Hodge, Executive Director of Lamar Partnerships, Incorporated, made a presentation on behalf of the city to state American Legion dignitaries during this year’s convention in Ft. Collins this past weekend. Carder said they […]

Lamar Fireworks Funders Need More Manpower
It’s not so much the cost of the annual fireworks project as it is the effort to raise that money for the Lamar community each year. Lamar Fire Chief Marshall Cook outlined the need for other groups to step up to the plate to raise the $8,000 for the annual 4th of July […]