Landfill Issues Discussed at Granada Trustees Meeting

Granada Town Board member, Jerene DeBono said the landfill was recently inspected by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment and several deficiencies were noted, including the need for a liner for the landfill pit. Town Crew Manager, John McMillan disagreed with some of the state’s findings, stating, “What they’re saying is the water table in the dump is way down here, but our wells are way up here. The levels don’t match.” He added that some small towns can be given a waiver on their landfills due to the small amount of refuse they receive, so they don’t need the plastic in the bottom of the pit. McMillan said he asked for a report on the state findings.  

DeBono said there can no longer be a separate tire pit. Discards will have to go into the big pit in the future. DeBono added the state inspector suggested the town turn the landfill into a transfer station. McMillan explained the extra costs that will come from that move, stating, “You’re going to have to buy four transfer trailers, a truck to transfer them and you have to pay someone to take them.” He added that the inspector recommended hiring an engineering firm to detail what it would take to get the landfill into compliance. DeBono said that if we cover everything the way they want us to, “our pit would fill up twice as fast.”  DeBono also commented that the inspector was surprised by the amount of refuse that’s burned by the citizens. She said that practice also helps keep the landfill from filling up so quickly. “But we can no longer burn any plaster sheetrock that’s been dumped, as that’s considered a health hazard because of its chemical content,” she explained for the board. McMillan said the town will need to start covering it in the other pit. The Trustees said they’d wait for the review before making any decisions on their next steps. 

The trustees tabled any action on bids for tree trimming in the town until more bids have been received and they have a better idea for comparison costs. McMillan said he’d received one bid and four others are pending. Some slow running sewers will be flushed out in the near future. McMillan said several lines need to be attended to. He added that the wells are running in good shape at the moment. The board approved his equipment request for electric safety gloves as well as a ten foot, solid hot stick for moving power lines. Total cost was $265. The board instructed Clerk Jackie Malone to see if the city has insurance coverage for a broken window on the landfill backhoe. That was recently shattered while it was being used and the estimated replacement cost is about $1,000. 

The End of the Line Arena at Camp Amache will see some activity the first weekend in October with the Fall Roundup, set for October 5 and 6. Activities will be free to the public. Events include teams and wagons in town that Friday and camping will be available. A pot luck supper will be offered, including campfire singing and story-telling. Saturday will feature a chuckwagon breakfast from 6:30 to 7 for a reasonable donation, a short drive will be held around Camp Amache and an all-equine parade will follow at 9:30. A trail ride is set for 11am and in the afternoon, local artists and craftsmen will have their displays open to the public. 

Granada Chief of Police, David Dougherty described some recent vandalism at the town park, including the destruction of a picnic table and some fires that were recently set. There were also a number of glass bottles dumped out on Amache Road leading to the dump. The chief said his department will take necessary steps to identify and charge those responsible. He told the Trustees that construction work on curbs and gutters on some streets leading to the school won’t have construction begin until next summer. The $250,000 Safe Routes project is funded through CDOT grants. The Trustees instructed Chief Dougherty to begin the next grant process for additional future funding on Phase Two. The Granada Town Sign is closer to completion as the foundation has been set along the highway. Chief Dougherty and Officer Gorton will be on duty Saturday, September 15 for festivities for the Fiesta de Colores. A parade is set for Saturday at 11am through the town.

by Russ Baldwin


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