Purse Snatching at Lamar Thriftway

According to Sean Oxley, one of the owners at Lamar Thriftway, an elderly lady had her purse stolen from her around 12:30 PM. She was just leaving the building to get a newspaper outside when someone came up on her from behind and grabbed her purse. The individual ran to the alley where an accomplice had apparently been waiting in a get-a-way car. The two took off but not before some individuals at tthe scene were able to get a good description of them.

The police are on the look-out for these two individuals and the white  Pontiac that was used in this crime. If you have any information on this crime, please call the Lamar Police Department at: 719-336-3984.


Filed Under: Chamber/Local BusinesscommunityLamarLaw EnforcementPublic SafetyThe Journal Alert


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