Pedaling in High Style

Jessica Medina and Daughter, Olivia, Congratulated by Rick Akers

Olivia Medina of Lamar was one of 14 youngsters who were put through their bike riding paces this past Saturday, June 25 at the pool parking lot at Willow Creek Park.

The Lamar Parks and Recreation Department host an annual Bike Rodeo for youngsters up to the age of 12. Once a year, bike riders review bike seat safety with a Lamar Police Officer and then are put through some pedals and paces as they navigate several tests. Each one is designed to teach them maneuverability, riding in a straight line, making quick turns, sharp braking, and riding in a straight line while checking car traffic behind them.

Some young boys and girls are rearin’ to go, while others are still decked out in training wheels, and this year, the youngest rider had neither training wheels or pedals for that matter, but still managed to get where he needed to go. Staff from the High Plains Community Health Center, working with the Rec Department staff and LiveWell program, gave out certificates of appreciation and safety helmets to all who attended. The bicycle was donated from Walmart.

by Russ Baldwin



Filed Under: communityEducationEntertainmentLamarPublic SafetyRecreationYouth


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