RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "National Western Stock Show"

District VI takes over National Western Stock Show

District VI takes over National Western Stock Show

By Lacey Mann, CSU 4-H Extension Agent, Bent & Prowers Counties Southeast Area—The dust from National Western Stock Show has finally settled and District VI 4-H members took the annual show by storm.  4-H members competed in market goat, market swine and Catch-A-Calf (CAC) and placed well throughout the course of the show.             The […]

District VI Competes at Western National Round-Up

District VI Competes at Western National Round-Up

Southeast Area—Five area 4-H youth competed in the annual Western National Round-Up held in Denver January 9-12. Kylee Holden modeled in the fashion revue and the livestock quiz bowl team consisting of Rhett Larsen, Chad Russell, Joel Souders and Blake Mueller, competed in the quiz bowl contest. “This was the first year that one of […]

Equine Herpesvirus Found at National Western Stock Show Rodeo

Equine Herpesvirus Found at National Western Stock Show Rodeo

Equine Herpesvirus Confirmed in Horse Stalled at the National Western Stock Show Rodeo   LAKEWOOD, Colo. – The Colorado Department of Agriculture is investigating one confirmed case of Equine Herpesvirus (EHV-1) within the state.  A quarantine has been placed on seven horses including the index case; a hold order has been placed on six additional […]


2012 FFA Heifer Wrangle Update

By Theresa Butler Lamar FFA Chapter congratulates the third member within the last five years to compete in the FFA Heifer Wrangle Program. Jesse Shelton, a freshman from Lamar High School will take the responsibility of being this year’s Heifer Wrangler. Shelton is sponsored by DTM Cattle (Lamar, CO), Kenny and Teresa Burns (Hotchkiss, CO), […]

Parks & Wildlife Seeking Nominations for Landowner of the Year

Parks & Wildlife Seeking Nominations for Landowner of the Year

DENVER – Colorado Parks and Wildlife is seeking nominations for its Wildlife Landowner of the Year Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions made by private landowners to conserving wildlife, enhancing wildlife habitat and providing public access for hunting and fishing. The winner will be honored at a banquet and an awards ceremony during the Professional Rodeo Cowboys […]

Lamar FFA Member Theresa Butler Competes at State Fair

Heifer Wrangle is a program through the FFA that allows students wanting to work with and further their Supervised Agricultural Experience with cattle. Students must attend National Western Stock Show and catch a calf during the Heifer Wrangle and then they are rewarded with a $1,000 voucher to go purchase the heifer of their choice […]