RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "ecology"

Dirt + Water + Bugs + Kids = Education

Dirt + Water + Bugs + Kids = Education

Aaron Bartleson Pointing Out Debris in Willow Creek Lamar Parkview Elementary School students went into the field this past chilly Wednesday, April 17, accompanied by members of the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.  The students got only as far as Willow Creek Park, but that was far enough to supply the basic teaching materials […]

Lamar Community College

“Powering Up” with Sun & Wind – LCC Earth Day

(Lamar, Colorado, April 6, 2012) Lamar Community College will host an Earth Day-related event focusing on renewable energy on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 from 9 a to 3 p at the Betz Technology Center. Renewable energy is that which can be constantly replenished, including sun and wind. This energy can change the way residents live, […]

Ted Floyd Keynote Speaker at Snow Goose Festival

Ted Floyd Keynote Speaker at Snow Goose Festival

The 10th Annual High Plains Snow Goose Festival will be held February 23-26, 2012. Honored guest and author, Ted Floyd will be attending our special 10th Anniversary celebration. Spot snow geese and other bird species, tour historic sites, plus attend workshops on birds and their habitats. Ted Floyd will be the keynote speaker during the banquet on Saturday […]

Another Dry Month for Southeast Colorado

Another Dry Month for Southeast Colorado

Another Dry Month for Southeast Colorado Precipitation levels for southeast Colorado were down for another month.  Figures available from the National Weather Service in Pueblo show April 2011 posted less moisture compared to April, 2010.  Figures shown are in inches:                                                2011                        2010 Eads                                       0.95                        2.88 Haswell                                  0.22                        1.37 Holly                                       n/a                          n/a John Martin Dam                 0.39                        […]