Ted Floyd Keynote Speaker at Snow Goose Festival
VPG | Feb 22, 2012 | Comments 0
The 10th Annual High Plains Snow Goose Festival will be held February 23-26, 2012. Honored guest and author, Ted Floyd will be attending our special 10th Anniversary celebration. Spot snow geese and other bird species, tour historic sites, plus attend workshops on birds and their habitats. Ted Floyd will be the keynote speaker during the banquet on Saturday night at the Cow Palace Inn. The banquet starts at 7:00 PM. For a full list of events, log on to www.highplainssnowgoose.com or call (719) 336-4379 for more information.
Thank you to the Sponsors: Colorado Parks & Wildlife, Lamar Chamber of Commerce, Lamar High School, Canyons & Plains of Southeast Colorado, Eads Chamber of Commerce, National Park Service, American Birding Association and Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
About Ted Floyd: Editor of Birding, the flagship publication of the American Birding Association. He has published widely on birds and ecological topics, and he is an instructor with the American Birding Association’s Institute for Field Ornithology program. Ted has written more than 125 articles, with contributions to scholarly journals such as Ecology, Oecologia, Animal Behaviour, Journal of Animal Ecology, and Trends in Ecology and Evolution and contributions to popular magazines such as Natural History, Birdwatcher’s Digest, and Birding. Floyd is a frequent speaker at birding festivals and other birding events, and he has led birding trips and workshops throughout North America. He has lived and birded in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Mexico, Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada. He currently lives in Colorado with his wife Kei, daughter Hannah, and son Andrew.
Read more about the Festival Here: Lamar hosts annual goose fest – Feb. 23-26
Filed Under: Chamber/Local Business • community • Education • Entertainment • Events • Festival • History • Lamar • The Journal Alert • Tourism
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