RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "bristol"

Lamar Utility Board Reviews Customer Disconnect Policies

Lamar Utility Board Reviews Customer Disconnect Policies

  Most of the discussion during the August 29 Lamar Utility Board meeting focused on items not specifically on the agenda.   Lamar Light Plant Superintendent Houssin Hourieh discussed the rules and regulations pertaining to policies for re-connect and disconnect for electric service, mostly for residential customers.  The Light Plant follows at 70 page document set […]

Sirens for Wiley and Hartman Communities Installed

Sirens for Wiley and Hartman Communities Installed

  Siren warning systems are starting to go hi-tech around portions of Prowers County.  Sirens were recently installed in Wiley and Hartman which can be radio or wireless activated using a new transmitter purchased with funding from Homeland Security.  According to Prowers Rural Fire Chief, Staffon Warn, the sirens can be activated using a mounted […]

Dennis Patrick Smith...July 14, 1935 - May 4, 2012

Dennis Patrick Smith…July 14, 1935 – May 4, 2012

Valley Memorial Funeral Chapel, Lamar, CO RENO, NV—Longtime Lemon Valley resident Dennis Patrick Smith, 76, died May 4, 2012 at his home in Lemon Valley. Dennis was born to Lester Harold Smith and Dorothy Elizabeth (Zaffke) Smith at home in Mesita, Colorado on July 14, 1935. He enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF) […]

Weekend Highway Fatality in Bristol Area

Weekend Highway Fatality in Bristol Area

The Colorado State Patrol is investigating a one-vehicle crash that occurred July 7, 2012 on Highway 385,  milepost 103 north of Bristol. A 1994 Plymouth Voyager mini-van was traveling northbound when the vehicle traveled off the right side of the road and struck a delineator post. The mini-van was corrected back onto the roadway, swerved back […]

Great Day for Granada - Bristol Activities

Great Day for Granada – Bristol Activities

Monday’s rains stayed away this past weekend to give a picture-perfect day for events surrounding the 20th Annual Granada/Bristol Days, from the Friday evening BBQ and auctions, to the open air dance this past Saturday. Following a breakfast at Chez DuVall’s and a calorie burning exercise for the Amache Run/Walk, folks started lining up at […]

20th Annual Granada/Bristol Days Underway this Weekend

Area residents are preparing for the 20th Annual Granada/Bristol Days this Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18. The town is sponsoring the Friday evening burger benefit and auction from 6:30 to 7:30pm at the town complex. The proceeds will go towards the purchase of a new fire truck for the community. Saturday’s events start […]

Drug Bust in Bristol

The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Colorado Department of Corrections Parole Officers with a home visit on Parolee Noe Camacho, age 43 of Bristol, Colorado. During the home visit, a large amount of cocaine and currency were located. Sheriff Deputies arrested Camacho on the charge of Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance with […]