Mason Pierce of Holly is a Student-of-the-Month at Northwest Tech in Goodland, Kansas

Mason-Pierce-WEBNorthwest Tech chooses January Students of the Month

GOODLAND, KAN., January 20, 2016: Congratulations to Northwest Kansas Technical College December Students of the Month. This program is an award system to recognize students who are doing particularly well in their division.

There are four divisions: Construction, Health & Human Services, Information Technology, and Transportation. A committee of faculty and staff members selects students. Winners of the award receive a gift card to the campus bookstore and a certificate honoring their accomplishment.

Representing the Construction Division is Dakota Nicholson. Nicholson is a sophomore Welding student from Weskan, Kan.

Representing the Health & Human Services Division is Jessie Stonebraker. Stonebraker is a sophomore Crime Scene Investigation student from Topeka, Kan.

Representing the Information Technology Division is Isaiah Sandberg. Sandberg is a freshman Communications Technology student from Stratton, Neb.

Representing the Transportation Division is Mason Pierce. Pierce is a freshman Diesel Technology student from Holly, Colo.

Northwest Kansas Technical College was established in 1964 and is located in Goodland, Kan. The mission of Northwest Kansas Technical College as an institute of higher learning is to prepare individuals for gainful employment in technical and professional careers, productive personal lives, and lifelong learning.

Filed Under: EducationEventsHollyProwers CountySchool


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