Commissioners Focus on Annex & Courthouse Upgrades

Stump Will be Removed

Stump Will be Removed

Kirk Powers, Prowers County Building Operations Supervisor, reviewed some current and future upgrades planned for the Annex on East Cedar Street in Lamar. The building now features new stairs to the rear as Powers explained, “We’re very pleased with the way they turned out. We made them flatter and longer and added an extra step so there won’t be a steep incline as there was before.” The Supervisor said the new stairs should also be safer.

Plumbing work on the annex is planned for the weekend of January 23rd which means draining water from the system so repairs can be made at the basement level. “We need to get below the waterline so the plumber will have access to the main water line in the basement,” he explained. Powers passed around drawings depicting turning the grassy area north and west of the public parking lot into a larger area for about 15 extra vehicles. He told the commissioners, “This will mean taking out the five trees on that area of lawn and I want to verify that before we begin.” He added that there are a couple of stumps east and west of the entrance from Cedar Street that need to be eliminated to open up more space from the road and the steep incline will also be smoothed. “There’s a root system from the tree to the side of the curb that will give us problems, so that will be dealt with too,” he remarked. Some smaller trees will be planted to replace the older ones and county crews will start replacing broken gutters adjacent to the current parking lot.

Steep Entrance

Steep Entrance

Another long discussed project is sidewalk and parking lot upgrades at the County Courthouse. The east parking lot to the courthouse will be asphalted first in early April, so as not to create a problem for the County Clerk and Recorder during election time with voter traffic. Powers said the sidewalk repair will also work around the election schedule and contract labor will be used so both projects, at the Annex and Courthouse can be done simultaneously. Future roofing projects include the Courthouse, Annex and County Jail and Powers is meeting with several contractors for cost estimates.

By Russ Baldwin


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