Crews Start Street Repair Projects for Lamar this Week

Site of Past Main Street Repairs

Site of Past Main Street Repairs

The City of Lamar Public Works Department has begun preparing several streets in town for milling and overlay work which is expected to start Tuesday, September 15th. Tree limbs must be trimmed that could interfere with paving equipment along with manholes and water valves that need to be lowered to accommodate the milling work.

The city streets that will be affected include the following:

Willow Valley Block 3 and Block 7; Beech Street between 6th West to 13th, Maple Street between 10th and 9th; Tenth Street between Poplar and Maple Street; Seventh Street from Park Street south to Laurel Street and Thirteenth Street from Parmenter south to Walnut Street.

In other actions, public works crews spent a large portion of August cleaning up the city of fallen tree limbs and assorted debris from the two strong wind and rain storms. Crews cleaned and reestablished drainage along the Highway 50 right-of-way west of Big R. Several sections of curb and gutter were replaced along Lynn Street as part of a larger project to improve drainage which is expected to be completed this fall.

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