George Gotto Begins PCDI Interim Executive Director Duties
Russ Baldwin | May 28, 2015 | Comments 0
George Gotto, the interim Executive Director for Prowers County Development Incorporated, held his first monthly meeting, Tuesday May 26. Gotto was recently hired by the economic development organization to replace the former executive director while the board members create a new job description for a permanent replacement.
Gotto’s report to the board was brief, detailing SEBREA’s efforts to secure a 501C3 status to become eligible for federal grants, he and Shawna Hodge, the LPI Executive Director reviewed the City of Lamar’s status for future business development, and he had scheduled to attend the monthly meeting for SECED, meeting last week with Stephanie Gonzales, that organization’s Executive Director. “I have been in contact with one person regarding a business opportunity in the county, and we’ll discuss that in greater detail during our executive session,” he told the board.
PCDI President, Rick Robbins, told the board that with the recent rains, he’s used a rented grader to do some dirt work to direct ground water from the Colorado State Patrol offices on the incentive property on East Washington Street. “The pumps that have been installed are working good, and one clogged drain opened up on the corner of the building and that is also clearing water,” he explained. He said he’d do some more work once the ground has dried sufficiently and has filled in some potholes on the property. Robbins explained there’s the possibility that one drain on the property may back up if the water flow in the Lamar Canal raises enough to cover the outflow portion of the pipe. He said that would be a rare instance, but given the amount of recent rainfall, something the board should not dismiss.
Board member, John Marrin suggested a review of the sales status of the incentive property with Sharon Wilson of Randle Realty. PCDI recently approved a new six month extension to have the firm represent PCDI to sell the property. The board agreed and a meeting date will be selected. The property was donated to PCDI by Big R about three years ago, and the land and several of the warehouses have been rented to three current tenants including the Colorado State Patrol.
Future business oriented seminars were discussed with the forklift class to be set for sometime in late June to early July depending on how the weather holds off. Board member, Aaron Leiker, suggested that a better time would be after the area harvest, as the rainfalls have set back the agriculture calendar for southeast Colorado. In other matters, a meeting date will be set between PCDI and the La Junta and Otero County economic development directors. There are two directors there, one for the City of La Junta and another for Otero County.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Agriculture • Business • Chamber/Local Business • City • community • County • Economy • Employment • Featured • Prowers County
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