Holly Commercial Club Seeking New Membership

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The Holly Commercial Club is focusing their efforts on gaining new membership.  Details and the means of attracting new members was discussed during the monthly meeting at the Holly Methodist Church.

Club President, John Golden, noted that the membership update report showed that as of January 31, 2015, there are two fewer full members than last year and three fewer associate members.  Golden led a discussion on offering potential additional incentives in order to attract new membership.  The topic was tabled until the March meeting during which more members may be on hand to add to the discussion.  Members gave some thought to using some 15 second radio ads to welcome new members to the Commercial Club and an updated contract will be brought to the March meeting for members to review.

Interim Town Administrator, Jerry L’Estrange spoke about the grant for economic development which Holly qualified for.  He said a decision needs to be made on how to best utilize the funds as a state assessment team will be in Holly to conduct an evaluation of the community.  The Holly Trustees are planning a general meeting in early March for citizen input.  The January P and L statement for January showed a profit of $1,983.73, attributable largely to receipt of the 2015 membership dues.

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityCountyEconomyFeaturedHollyProwers County


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