Gain for City Sales Tax Revenues, 2015

2014 Lamar Logo.eps

The new year began with an upswing in sales tax collections for the City of Lamar.  Total Sales and Use Tax Collections were up 2.99% over the previous year at this time for a gain of $10,192.66.  Total collections were $351,460 compared to last year at this time of $341,268.  City Sales Tax was up 1.49% for a modest gain on the year, at just under $4,700.  Use Tax and Other Collection categories also posted gains.

There was still a general fall off comparing the month’s collections against the same time period for 2013 and 2014.  The 12 retail sales categories were as follows:

2013                2014                2015

Auto Parts                               11,762             12,211             13,605
Building Materials                  9,413               9,258             6,829
Apparel/Dept Stores          124,344           122,727         110,088
C-Stores/Gas                            7,815               8,564             8,696
All Business/Electricity      20,801             22,897            27,949
Furn/Appliance/Elec             3,263               4,349              3,641
Groceries                                 25,533             22,782             8,540
Motels                                      10,381             10,207               6,141
Liquor..etc                              10,290              10,511               9,736
Manufacturing                        6,048                   781                  989
Restaurants                            27,121             28,208             25,716
Other                                    105,532              103,171          118,568

Filed Under: BusinessChamber/Local BusinesscommunityCountyEconomyFeaturedLamarMedia ReleaseProwers County


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