Holly Trustees Renew Sheriff Contract


Holly Depot

Holly Depot

With a three to two vote, the Holly Trustees renewed the annual contract with the Prowers County Sheriff’s office for 2015. The town will pay $51,000 for law enforcement coverage of the community for the year for 40 hours per week.  During earlier discussions on the contract, several Trustees felt more attention should be given to local patrols and speed enforcement through the town.  Some of these items will be discussed next year.  Administrator Marsha Willhite and Mayor Brad Simon felt this would be the best way to reach an accord.  Willhite suggested a waiting period, though, stating, “It might be more productive to schedule a meeting after the first quarter of 2015, in light of the change that will come in the department with the November elections.”  Current Sheriff Jim Faull is not running for re-election and his position is being contested by Ron Manly and Sam Zordel.

Willhite recapped a September meeting she attended with Mayor Simon in Granada, hosted by DOLA and the office of Economic Development and International Trade for Colorado. She said the two towns applied for a combined economic development assessment, a technical assistance grant.  That one, she said, has been approved.  Another application will seek funding for a preliminary engineering report on Holly’s water mains, from the tower to the town’s distribution system.

The Administrator gave a brief recap of the latest ARPA board meeting, regarding a determination on the Lamar Repowering Project. Willhite is one of two Holly representatives on the Arkansas River Power Authority.  She said members determined it would be economically beneficial to either decommission or dispose of the Project comparing the costs of setting the facility in cold storage or selling the equipment.  She told the Trustees that David Willhite, the other Holly representative, was selected as the new board president, filling the unexpired term of Bob Freidenberger who resigned last month.  Willhite said it would still take several months of analysis before the board made a determination on the best financial course of action for the Repowering Project.

The town maintenance crew report noted that the asphalt project has been completed for Cliff, Third and Seventh Streets and street light repairs continue. Most of the potholes have been filled at this time and waste water chlorine hoses have been re-routed at the well houses in compliance with the sanitation survey.

In other action, the Trustees ratified the earlier approval of a temporary liquor license application for East Side Liquor and the Trustees approved the transfer of ownership of D-M Liquor to East Side Liquor.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinessCitycommunityEconomyFeaturedGranadaHealthHollyProwers CountyUtilities


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