Holly Ministerial Food Pantry Now Open for Food Distribution on Saturdays Under New Title

Pastor Kurtis Klinghammer of the Holly First Christian Church

Pastor Kurtis Klinghammer of the Holly First Christian Church

The Bridge Food Pantry (formerly The Holly Ministerial Food Pantry) has been chosen to distribute monthly food boxes from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) for Prowers County.  The location has also been changed, now at 208 South Main Street in Holly.

This program is for people 60+ years old that fall within the income guidelines. This program is for people anywhere in Prowers County and it is separate from all other food programs and the pantry.

The goal of the Holly Ministerial Food Pantry is to help people get through the last days of the month. That is when those on fixed incomes or receiving public assistance may have used up their benefits. To make this point clearer, we are changing our name to THE BRIDGE FOOD PANTRY. A bridge is used to cross a difficult space, so if the pantry can provide some basic foodstuffs for a family for three to four days at the end of the month, this may be the bridge that helps people get across that gap. The pantry is not a “store”; we are not in competition with or trying to take business away from any store in town. We respectfully ask anyone that has other resources to use them; the Bridge is a last resort for people that have nowhere else to turn and no money to spend.

Contributions to the Food Partry are Welcomed

Contributions to the Food Partry are Welcomed

The Bridge always welcomes Love Offerings: money, food or your time. Since September, we have changed the day of service from the fourth Friday to the fourth Saturday of the month. We hope this gives an opportunity to working people to make use of the pantry.

Pantry hours will be from 10 a.m. till Noon. It is sincerely hoped this will make the pantry more accessible for those that need it.

If you are interested and want more information, contact Kurtis Klinghammer at 537-6060 or Kathy Salinas at 691-4480.

Filed Under: BusinessChurchescommunityCountyEconomyFeaturedHollyMedia ReleaseProwers County


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