Prowers County Ranked 53 out of 59 in State Health Factors

Court House Windmill-2

The County Health rankings are out…do you know where you stand?? 

Prowers County Health rankings for the year 2013 are out and the results show that Prowers County has some very real challenges, but we are making slow progress. The health ranking show how we are doing as a county and where we can improve our health. The rankings illustrate in a powerful way that where you live can influence how well and how long you live. Rankings show much of our health is connected to where we live, learn, work, and play. The County Health ranking project assigns ranks for counties’ health based on two sets of measures:

Health outcomes (length and quality of life)

Health Factors (health behaviors, access to and quality of clinical care, social and economic factors and the physical environment)  

Prowers County health ranking for health outcome is 53 out of 59, these include issues like; premature death, poor of fair health or poor physical health days, poor mental health days, and low birth weight. Health outcomes (length of life and quality of life) are standard measures that describe a community’s current health.

Prowers County health ranking for health factors is 53 out of 59, these include issues like; adult smoking, adult obesity, physical inactivity, excessive drinking, being uninsured, and the number of primary care physicians and dentists available, high school graduation rates, drinking water safety, access to recreational facilities, limited access to health foods and fast foods restaurants. Health factors are the things that determine our future health, e.g. the things that ultimately make us sick or die too early. In addition to describing a community’s current health, highlighting the many factors that influence health also is a way to engage communities in discussion, helping both policy-makers and health professionals understand that improving our health is the future will require us to address factors beyond access to healthcare.

Prowers County health rankings for health behaviors is 48 out of 59, some of the indicators are:

                Adult smoking 19%          Colorado average 18%

                Adult obesity 22%            Colorado average 20%

                Teen birth rates 69          Colorado average 40  

Although these numbers may seem dismal, don’t let them define the citizens of  Prowers County. There are many agencies partnering together to turn these numbers around and make us one of the healthiest communities in the State! The problems that are making residents unhealthy are not going to be solved by any one group in any one county. These health rankings remind us that health is everyone’s responsibility. Prowers County Public Health and Environment is partnering with Prowers County LiveWell, Prowers County Health Alliance, Prowers Medical Center, High Plains Community Health Center, Southeast Health Group, and Wiley, Holly and Lamar School Districts, to lift barriers to provide education, prevention and support in making changes that have a positive impact on our community. By working together we can see how where we live, learn, work and play influence how healthy we are. While results can take years to achieve, all communities can be on the road to better health. Helping people stay healthy can take a variety of forms- from supporting  supermarkets that sell healthy foods, to designing safe and accessible streets, to expanding early education opportunities, to encouraging more physical activity and much more.

If you want to take a step and make some positive changes in you or your family’s life, please contact Prowers County Public Health and Environment at 1001 South Main Lamar, CO.719-336-8721. We have programs to help you quit smoking, find a medical home for you and your family, nutrition education that include cooking, shopping and food choices, along with many more preventative programs. Let us become your resource toward a healthy lifestyle.

Filed Under: CitycommunityCountyEducationFeaturedGranadaHealthHollyHot TopicsLamarProwers CountyPublic SafetyRecreationSchoolSportsWileyYouth


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