Las Animas Sharpshooters Rebooted

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Southeast Area—The Las Animas Sharpshooters 4-H club has reformed with the guidance of leaders Cody Turner and Ben and Cindy Miller.  All three leaders completed the Colorado 4-H Shooting Sports discipline training this winter and have hit the ground running.  4-H members from across Bent County met April 18 for the first meeting where they proceeded to approve a new constitution and elect officers.  Officers elected include Dante Gumke, president; Doug Miller, vice president and Kylie Miller, secretary. 

The club holds their monthly meetings the second Sunday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the Las Animas Trap Club.  They host practices following the club meeting and the fourth Sunday of each month at 4:30 p.m.  Turner is trained in .22 and air rifle.  Ben is trained in muzzle loading, Cindy in archery and Keith Garcia in shotgun.


If your child is interested in joining 4-H or you would like further information on the 4-H program, please contact your local CSU Extension Office; Baca County 719-523-6971, Bent County 719-456-0764, Cheyenne County 719-767-5716, Crowley County 719-267-5243, Kiowa County 719-438-5321, Otero County 719-254-7608, Prowers County 719-336-7734. 4-H is a cooperative effort between CSU Extension and the County.

By Lacey Mann, CSU 4-H Extension Agent, Bent & Prowers Counties





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