PMC Birth Announcements April 7, 2014

baby picture

Christina and Shawn Page of Lamar are proud to announce the birth of their daughter.  Olivia Nicole Page was born at 5:50 am on March 30, 2014.  She weighed 9 lb 7 oz and measured 21.5 inches in length.  She joins her new siblings Deagan and Raina Page.  Grandparents are Mark & Roxie Page, Sandy & Harold Porter, and Daniel & Grace Castaneda.  Congratulations to Christina and Shawn on your new arrival!

Guadalupe and Jaime Garrido of Holly are the proud new parents of a baby girl.  Melany Garrido was born at 5:18am on April 3, 2014.  She weighed 8 lb and measured 18.5 inches in length.  She joins her sister Natalia Garrido.  Grandparents are Manuel & Estela Juarez and Mario & Aracely Garrido.  Congratulations to Guadalupe and Jaime on the birth of your daughter!

Filed Under: Birth AnnouncementHealthHollyLamarProwers CountyYouth


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