Local Families Receive Support to Apply for College Financial Aid

Lamar Community College

College Goal Sunday hits Lamar to help families pay for college

Lamar, CO – On Sunday, February 9, 2014, local families in Lamar and surrounding areas will have the opportunity to attend College Goal Sunday to receive free assistance on how to pay for college.

College Goal Sunday will be held in Lamar Community College on Sunday, February 9, from 2 – 4 p.m. Families will receive free professional guidance on ways to pay for college, specifically how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is a crucial step in the college planning process.

The FAFSA must be completed for a student to receive any type of financial aid, including grants, work study, student loans and even many scholarships. Students are encouraged to submit their FAFSA as close to the first of the year to receive as much financial aid as possible.

College Goal Sunday will take place at 19 other locations across the state. Spanish translation will be available to families at most sites, and more than $10,000 in scholarships will be given away during the day.

Families are encouraged to bring their 2013 federal tax records to ensure they can work through the FAFSA during the time they have with financial aid experts. More information on College Goal Sunday can be found at www.collegegoalcolorado.org.

For local College Goal Sunday information, contact Teale Hemphill at teale.hemphill@lamarcc.edu.

The partners of College Goal Sunday include USA Funds, the Colorado Association of Financial Aid Administrators (CAFAA), Colorado Department of Higher Education, University of Colorado Boulder, Arapahoe Community College, and Regis University, and the financial aid community across the state of Colorado.

2014 CGS Flyer-2-1

2014 CGS Flyer-2-2

For a larger version of this flyer, click here.

Filed Under: CollegecommunityEducationEventsFeaturedLamarProwers County


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