PMC Birth Announcements January 2, 2014
KL | Jan 02, 2014 | Comments 0
Abby and Brett Pettinger of Walsh are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Adalyn Ambrose Pettinger. Adalyn was born at 6:31 am on December 23, 2013. She weighed 7 lb 12 oz and measured 20 inches in length. Adalyn will join siblings Anabelle and Lynley. Grandparents Marilyn Pettinger, Perry Ambrose, and Cas Rifkin are happy to welcome her to the family. Congratulations to Abby and Brett on your new baby girl!
Martina and Mike Woodall of Wiley are excited to welcome a new addition to their family. Lexcina Alisabeth Woodall was born at 8:23 am on December 27, 2013. She weighed 7 lb 8.5 oz and measured 20 inches in length. Lexcina joins siblings Adam (16), Mikey (12), Jayson (9), and Jordan (1). Gerald & Terri Taulman, and Guadalupe & Elizabeth Ybarra are proud grandparents. Congratulations to Martina and Mike on your new bundle of joy!
Ashlie Walters and Temo Garcia of Lamar are the proud new parents of a baby girl. Lyllie Eleanor Garcia was born at 7:24 am on December 30, 2013. She came into the world at 7 lb 2 oz and 19 inches in length. Lyllie’s Uncle Matthew and Nana Helena Walters are happy to have her in the family. Congratulations Ashlie and Temo!
Angie and Brett Havenstein of Lamar are happy to announce the arrival of their first child Claire Elise Havenstein. Claire was born at 2:58pm on December 30, 2013. She weighed 6 lb 7.5 oz and measured 20.75 inches in length. Robert & Nancy Havenstein and Norm and Kay Arends are proud grandparents. Congratulations to Angie and Brett on the birth of your daughter!
Gabriella Barrera and Ricky Rodriguez of Lamar are proud to welcome their baby girl Sophia Itsel Rodriguez. Sophia was born at 8:34 pm on December 30, 2013. She weighed 6 lb 10 oz and measured 18.5 inches in length. She is welcomed by her brother Diego Mauro Rodriguez and grandparents Rosa Gomez, Gabriel Barrera, Patricia Gomez, and Efren Casarez. Congratulations to Gabriella and Ricky on the birth of your daughter!
Filed Under: Birth Announcement • community • Health • Lamar • Prowers County • Wiley • Youth
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