PMC Birth Announcements December 19, 2013

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Gina Qualls and Micah Middleton of Lamar are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Olivia Beatrice Middleton.  Olivia was born at 9:00pm on December 15, 2013.  She weighed 6 lb 9 oz at birth and measured 19.5 inches long.  She is welcomed by her sister Raegan Middleton and her grandparents Perry & Bev Middleton, Esther & Rich Lingle, and Freddy Qualls.  Congratulations to Gina and Micah on your new baby girl!

Sarah Nelson and Damian Vigil are proud to announce the birth of their son Taiden Shane Vigil.  Taiden was born at 6:08 am on December 18, 2013.  He weighed 7 lb 6 oz and measured 21 inches in length.  He’ll join his sister Adilynn Vigil.  Congratulations to Sarah and Damian on your new arrival!

Filed Under: Birth AnnouncementcommunityHealthLamarYouth


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