Juniper Village Salutes Local Veterans
KL | Nov 18, 2013 | Comments 0
Juniper Village at Lamar is proud of the local Veterans and were proud to salute them at their Veterans Day celebration. Two guest speakers came in to talk to about their time in the military and also to show some of their memorabilia. A former Marine, Mr. Rangel, brought in some of his gear and also his collection of foreign money which the residents and staff both enjoyed looking at and talking about. Former Navy and Marine and now the VA advocate for the Lamar area, Mr. Miller announced all our Vets and sang with the crowd all four military branches songs. Mr. Miller also brought in some of his medals for everyone to look at. Residents and staff enjoyed this event as we are all thankful for the service that each and every military person provides this great country. Without them we would not have the freedoms that we have today.
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