Library Celebrates One Year of Line Dancing

Line Dance Director, Debbie Reynolds (left) and K&S Cottage Kitchen

Lamar Public Library recently celebrated one year of Line Dancing!  On Wednesday, October 16th the Library’s Cultural Events Center was filled with dancers of all ages to celebrate the occasion.  K&S Cottage Kitchen provided refreshments and a great time was had by all.

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The library would like to thank K&S Cottage Kitchen for the refreshments and all the Line Dancing participants!  Your enthusiasm, dedication and continued support is the reason the library has continued dancing for a full year!

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Line Dancing class is held twice a month; on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.   Everyone is welcome and they review the steps before each dance, so no need to worry if you have never been to a class.  Best of all: IT’S FREE!  For more information call the library at 719-336-4632

Filed Under: communityEntertainmentEventsLamarProwers CountyRecreation


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