Gov Adds Prowers, Otero and Crowley Counties for Disaster Emergency


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Gov. Hickenlooper Declares Disaster Emergency for Additional Eight Colorado Counties

DENVER — Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013 — Gov. John Hickenlooper signed an Executive Order to declare a disaster emergency due to the flooding for an additional eight counties: Chaffee, Crowley, Gilpin, Lake, Lincoln, Otero, Park and Prowers. There are now a total of 24 counties included in the disaster declaration.    

The executive order states: 

“As a result of the historic flooding this September, eight people were killed, one person  is still missing, 218 people were injured and over 18,000 people were forced to leave their homes. Damage to property has been widespread and extensive: 1,882 homes have been destroyed and FEMA estimates that over 26,000 households are directly affected by the flooding. as of Oct. 6, 2013, 23,078 households have registered with FEMA.

“The Colorado Department of Transportation, with assistance of the National Guard of Colorado, the National Guard of other states and local jurisdictions, has made record setting progress in repairing highways, roads, and bridges. Nevertheless, communities continue to be isolated, residents remain displaced, and many local businesses are shuttered or struggling. Three water treatment facilities and four wastewater treatment facilities are still not operating, with over twenty of each needing some type of repair and/or restoration. This does not include the miles of water and wastewater lines that need repair or replacement. As the state continues to realize the magnitude of this disaster, additional counties require state assistance to recover and rebuild.” 

The counties previously included in the disaster declaration are: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, El Paso, Fremont, Jefferson, Larimer, Logan, Morgan, Pueblo, Sedgwick, Washington and Weld.  


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