Vote for your Northside Park Playground Design

Lamar Parks and Rec Logo

Local Lamar residents may select one of the three offerings for a design for a new playground and equipment for the Northside Park in Lamar.  The playground equipment will be set up on Saturday, September 14 and according to Rick Akers, Lamar Parks and Rec Director, the deadline for making your selection is this Friday, August 16.

KaBoom Playground Design 1

People can make their choice by accessing the Parks and Rec website at, or if you don’t have access to a computer, simply drop by the Lamar Community Building and make your selection from one of the three designs that have been offered to the community.  Two weeks ago, there was an outpouring of youngsters at the Community Building to learn more about the project and select some of the equipment they’d like to have.

KaBoom Playground Design 2

KaBOOM, a national organization focusing on health communities, is donating the equipment, valued at $90,000.  Community volunteers will get together on September 14, and it’s expected that the playground will be erected in about six hours.  It will be several days afterward before the equipment is ready to be used, as some of the concrete used to secure the equipment in place will have to cure.

KaBoom Playground Design 3

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEducationEntertainmentFeaturedHealthLamarProwers CountyPublic SafetyRecreationSchoolSportsYouth


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