PMC Birth Announcements July 19, 2013

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Brittani Cochran and Neil Daniels of Lamar are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Iley Irene Daniels. Iley was born at 8:29 am on July 15, 2013.  She weighed 7 lb 13.5 oz and measured 21 inches long.  Trinity is happy to welcome her new sister home.  Iley’s grandparents include Michelle and Gary Mason, Randy Cochran, and Dwight and Leslie Daniels.  Congratulations to Brittani and Neil on your baby girl!

Kristen and Robbie Dotson of Eads are the proud new parents of a little boy, Aiden James Dotson.  At 1:55 am on July 16, 2013, Aiden came into the world weighing 7 lb 9 oz and measuring 20 inches long.  He will join siblings Jacqueline, Alexa and Jakob.  Congratulations to Kristen and Robbie on the new addition to your family!

Filed Under: Birth AnnouncementcommunityLamarYouth


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