1st Responders Treated to BBQ at Juniper Village in Lamar

Emergency Vehicles at Juniper Village BBQ

Emergency Vehicles at Juniper Village BBQ

Several dozen members of the Lamar Fire and Police Departments and EMS responders were treated to a pulled pork BBQ with all the fixings at Juniper Village on South 10th Street in Lamar this past Wednesday evening, July 17.  Juniper Village director, Sharon Felton said this was simply a means of showing their appreciation to the local personnel who are always there when you need them.

 Juniper Village Apreciation BBQ 7-13 (1)

Juniper Village Apreciation BBQ 7-13 (3)

Juniper Village Apreciation BBQ 7-13 (4)

A Lamar fire truck, ambulance and stripped down Humvee from the Lamar Police Department was parked in the turnaround driveway at Juniper Village.  The vehicles were on display for the general public who dropped by to share in the meal which was open to the public as well.  The BBQ/picnic continued until 7pm that evening.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: communityEntertainmentFeaturedFire Department-RespondersHealthLamarPublic Safety


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