PMC Birth Announcements May 28, 2013
KL | May 28, 2013 | Comments 0
Becca and Jacob Prim of Lamar are proud to announce the arrival of Jace Lucius Prim, who was born at 4:18 pm on May 21, 2013. Jace weighed 9 lb 11 oz and measured 23 inches in length. Grandparents Bob and Barbara Prim, and Wendi and Billy Pearson are happy to welcome Jace to the family. Congratulations Becca and Jacob on your new arrival!
Roni and Neal Vallejos of Lamar are the proud new parents of a little boy, Nolan George Vallejos. At 8:15 am on May 22, 2013, Nolan was born weighing 6 lb 9.5 oz and measuring 20 inches long. Sisters Kennedy, Addison, and Presley are excited to have a new addition to the family, as are grandparents George and Nancy Idler, and George and Linda Vallejos. Congratulations Roni and Neal on your little boy!
Tiffany Dawn Axtell and Allen Leon Satra of Lamar are proud to announce the birth of their little boy, Isaiah Immanuel Satra. At 8:33 pm on May 22, 2013, Isaiah was born weighing 6 lb 6 oz and measuring 19.5 inches long. He is the new brother to Araya, J.J., Massey, Dillion, and Faith. Congratulations to Tiffany and Allen on your new arrival!
April Goins and Dennis Hiner of Lamar are the proud new parents of a little boy, Aiden Lee Hiner. Aiden was born at 4:52 pm on May 23, 2013. He weighed 5 lb 7.5 oz and measured 18.25 inches long. Aiden is welcomed to this world by his grandparents Bill and Kim Hiner, Rocky Hiner, and Max and Terry Anderson. Congratulations to April and Dennis on your new little boy!
Kayci and Joe Mari of Lamar are proud to announce the arrival of Mason Lee Mari, who was born at 3:36 am on May 23, 2013. Mason weighed 7 lb 13.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long at birth. Siblings Noah and Jayden are happy to welcome their new brother home. Congratulations to Kayci and Joe on your baby boy!
JoAnna Martinez and Miguel Solis of Lamar are proud to announce the birth of their baby boy, Gabriel Eugenio Solis. At 12:05 am on May 23, 2013, Gabriel came into the world weighing 5 lb 6.5 oz and measuring 18.5 inches long. His brother Michael and his grandparents Paula and Phillip Martinez and Ramon and Juliana Solis are excited to have him in their lives. Congratulations to JoAnna and Miguel on your new arrival!
Danika and Thomas Harrelson of Lamar are proud to announce the arrival of their little girl, Anabella Noel Harrelson. Anabella was born at 8:08 am on May 24, 2013. She weighed 7 lb 11 oz and measured 21 inches long. Anabella is welcomed by siblings Nayomi and Sylus, along with grandparents Genny Deloach and Keenan Deloach. Congratulations Danika and Thomas on your little girl!
Filed Under: Birth Announcement • community • Health • Lamar • Youth
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