New Reyman’s Store Coming to Holly
Russ Baldwin | Feb 13, 2013 | Comments 0
- Pastor Ralph Plummer of the Holly Commercial Club
- Mayor Brad Simon
- Jess Kalma Makes it Official
- Tracy and Jess Kalma Cutting the Ribbon Earlier this Winter
- Construction is Underway at the Site
- Artist’s Concept of New Reyman’s Grocery Store
As construction work continued at the new Holly School across Highway 50 on Tuesday afternoon, a group of residents and interested parties attended a ribbon cutting ceremony at 100 South Main Street at the site for a brand new Reyman’s Grocery Store. Excavation has already begun at the site, located at the intersection of South Main and Highway 50 East in downtown Holly.
The 10,504 square foot building will occupy the corner lot at 100 South Main and will be ready for customers in late July or August, according to Jess and Tracy Kalma, the owners of the current Reyman’s Grocery Store. Jess Kalma said he hopes to expand his employee base by three, and the new store will feature expanded over-the-counter medications, plus more space devoted to fresh meats and produce as well as additional, wider aisles. The building will be large enough to accommodate 124 persons at one time, including staff.
Pastor Ralph Plummer, President of the Holly Commercial Club was first speaker at the ribbon cutting, relating some of the history of the grocery store through three generations of owners, beginning with Art and Hazel Reyman, who in 1940 began the store which was later operated by Ken and Pearl in1980 and by 2009 it had been transferred to Jess and Tracy Kalma.
Town Administrator Marsha Willhite outlined the town’s assistance in the developments relating to plans for financing, obtaining an architect and a construction firm. She said the first purchase of land included three lots lining the highway, followed sometime later, by four additional lots on the south side of the property. She added that during that period, a corporate restructuring of the business was taking place, delayed a bit by the town’s general recovery period from the tornado from several years past. The role of the town in this, Willhite added, “Was to act as a liaison and help develop relationships for the Reyman family in their expansion,” and stated that the role of the town is to help any business develop, whether it’s new or a present one expanding into our community.
Holly Mayor, Brad Simon, offered thanks for a number of persons who contributed to the expansion project including Lisa Nolder, Executive Director of PCDI, the past and current members of the Prowers County Commissioners and past mayors and town trustees who also contributed to the economic growth of the community. He paid personal thanks to Administrator Willhite for her tireless and professional efforts on the town’s behalf and he also thanked the Reyman family for being, “vital members of our community.”
The ceremonial ribbon was cut by Jess and Tracy Kalma who said she was both excited and relieved that the project is now underway for their new grocery store. She said some of the driving factors in the expansion was just simple lack of space. Now, she said, residents won’t have to make a 60 mile round trip sometimes to do their shopping, and the new store will provide added merchandise and variety for the townspeople. Asked if there are any plans for the old store once the new one is operating, Jess said he’d like to see a restaurant open there, adding that they’d be willing to give some help to an interested party.
By Russ Baldwin
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