Lamar FFA Participates in District VII Speech Contest

By Swayzee Bellomy, Lamar FFA Chapter Reporter

Congratulations to Jolynn Rider of the Lamar FFA Chapter for receiving a “Gold” rating and placing 2nd in the Extemporaneous Public Speaking Contest! Rider will serve as the alternate for the State contest to be held in June.

On December 6th Colorado FFA District 7 held a Public Speaking Contest at the Lamar Community Building. District 7 consists of the Lamar, Wiley, Granada, Holly, Las Animas, and McClave FFA chapters.

At the contest there were two different types of speeches. One of which was the “Prepared” speeches, in which contestants may choose their own subjects to be presented. The speech must consist of a current subject related to agriculture. Each “Prepared” speech must be from six to a maximum of eight minutes. The second type of public speaking contest is an “Extemporaneous” speech in which contestants draw one sub-topic from the following categories: Agri-science and Technology, Agri-marketing and International Agricultural Relations, Food and Fiber Systems, and Urban Agriculture. Contestants are given thirty minutes to prepare a four to six minute speech on the topic they chose out of the four main categories. FFA members are then questioned and scored on their knowledge of the topic.

Lauren Tinnes also represented the Lamar FFA Chapter in the “Extemporaneous” contest. Congratulations to Tinnes for placing in the silver category!

Kennadee Oppliger represented the Lamar FFA Chapter and presented “The Agriculture Industry and the Humane Society of the United States” in the “Prepared Speech” contest.

Congratulations to these young ladies on their accomplishments and development of their public speaking skills!

Filed Under: AgriculturecommunityEducationEventsFeaturedLamarSchoolYouth


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