Business of the Week – Prowers Medical Center

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Be sure to read The Prowers Journal each week when the Lamar Chamber of Commerce
and The Prowers Journal highlight a featured Business of the Week.

This week we are proud to spotlight the Prowers Medical Center.
Give them a call at: 719.336-4343

Get Your Pink On!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Prowers Medical Center is proud to be a part of the “Linked in Pink” campaign again this year along with High Plains Community Health Center, Prowers County Public Health & Environment and Southeast Behavioral Health Group. Women’s health is at the forefront this month with breast care and breast cancer topping the list.

The American Cancer Society and the American College of Radiology guidelines for Breast Care Screening include women 40 and over should have a yearly mammogram, even if a woman is in good health. Women 40 and over should also have a Clinical Breast Exam every year, and younger women should have one every 3 years. Beginning at age 20, all women should perform a Breast Self Exam.

Prowers Medical Center is an ACR accredited facility with registered technologists who have advanced certifications in Mammography and many years of experience. Our equipment uses digital technology to provide the best images possible for the radiologist to report his findings to your provider. We use “Mammo Pads” to make the 20 minute exam more comfortable. Scheduling an appointment is quick as you do not need a written order from your provider.

Prowers Medical Center meets your needs for further studies to work up a diagnosis on your mammogram has suspicious findings. Our radiologists are Breast Care Specialists at Memorial Hospital’s Women’s Health Center in Colorado Springs. Diagnostic Mammograms, Ultrasounds and Ultrasound guided biopsies can be performed at PMC. We will complete all this information for you prior to being referred to a specialist for further consult.

Our goal at Prowers Medical Center Imaging Department is to provide quality care and services for our community. Remember, Early Detection is the Best Protection and a mammogram is the most effective way to detect breast cancer in the early stages. If caught early, the likelihood of successful treatment is considerably higher. So Get Your Pink On and call Prowers Medical Center Imaging Department at 719-336-6762 to schedule a mammogram. Take a proactive approach to your health care and help us to help saves lives, One Mammogram at a Time.

Chemotherapy Department:

Did you know that chemotherapy has been provided at PMC for over 20 years? Treatment routines, medicines and providers have changed, but PMC still offers chemotherapy.

The simple term “chemo” refers to drugs that kill cancer cells. Other terms used are “anti-cancer” or “antineoplastic”. Thru many years, more drugs have been developed like biologic response modifiers, hormone therapy and monoclonal antibodies, all of which work in different ways to treat cancer.

Cancer is an abnormal growth of new tissue that tends to invade surrounding tissue and metastases to other body sites. There are many kinds of cancer requiring different treatments.

Chemotherapy is used for a variety of purposes: to cure cancer, control tumor growth if cure isn’t possible, to shrink tumor size before surgery or radiation, to relieve pain, to destroy microscopic cancer cells that may remain after the known tumor is removed by surgery, or to prevent a possible cancer reoccurrence. Chemo can be given in a variety of means. PMC provides intravenous, oral and subcutaneous treatments.

Our pharmacist prepares all treatment medicines. A trained RN infuses and monitors the ordered routine. Medication information is provided and reinforced as needed. Every effort is made to provide care, answer questions, monitor labs, help with self care measures and prevent the side effects of treatment. The oncologist and RN are always in contact to support the patient.

Being able to have treatment at PMC may help decrease expenses like driving out of town, a motel and meals and days off work. Let us help you with friendly, competent and confident care.

PMC’s phone number is 719-336-4343, ext 2118 for Outpatient/Chemotherapy.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Filed Under: BusinessBusiness of the WeekcommunityFeaturedHealthLamarPublic Safety


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