Lamar School Board Approves Policy Revisions
Russ Baldwin | Sep 12, 2012 | Comments 0
Almost three dozen policy revisions were approved on second reading by the board of directors of the Lamar RE-2 school district during their monthly meeting, Monday, September 10. Revisions included such items as Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint; Student Conduct in School Vehicles; Truancy; Admission and Denial of Admission; Use of Metal Detectors; Code of Conduct; Weapons in School; Tobacco Free Schools and School District Mission.
Board members acknowledged two thank you notes; one from former student Grant Haggard regarding a LEAF Scholarship he was awarded. Haggard now attends college in Kansas. The other note was from Ron Burdick regarding his employment as a district substitute teacher. Trevor LaCost, vice president of the Project HOPE Coalition addressed the board to explain consideration of a future project at the Teen Center, now located at the Lincoln Elementary School. Working with LiveWell, the Center is seeking to develop a community garden using available space at the school playground. This is a long-range program which would provide students with various learning lessons, as well as home-grown, fresh produce for consumption or for sale in a farmer’s market.
Two field trips were approved. One trip is for Lamar High School FFA students for their participation at the annual FFA Convention in Indianapolis and the other was for the high school football team to attend a CSU game in Pueblo.
Resignations for Naomi Hicks as bus driver and Chela Douglas as Spanish Teacher at the High School were approved from this past August. Hirings were approved for Sara Clark as a Spanish Teacher, Jaime Madrid for the boys soccer program, Lynn Schwartz for intramural activities at Parkview School and Robbie Wilger as a volunteer assistant for the high school wrestling program. Substitute teachers were approved including Kathy Anderson, Cherilyn England, Laura Hawkins and Jason Veyna. RE-2 Superintendent, Dave Tecklenburg, briefed the board on the Lamar School District hosting the Colorado Association of School Boards fall annual meeting on October 25.
By Russ Baldwin
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