9-11 Flag Ceremony at Rodeway Inn Cow Palace

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The American Flag was raised for the first time on a new flagpole at the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn at noon on Tuesday, September 11.  Three new flagpoles were installed in time for the anniversary of the 9/11 observance.

Cow Palace Inn General Manager, Doug Thrall, said earlier that it would be a special occasion to make the memory of the event with observances.  The Lamar High School Band played for the occasion, along with remarks from Lamar Mayor Roger Stagner while the flag was put on display for the first time from that site.  The Lamar Police and Fire Department and local VFW took part in the ceremonies.

The crowd on hand enjoyed free hot dogs, chips and cookies courtesy of the Cow Palace Inn.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: EventsFeaturedLamarLaw Enforcement


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