24 Hour Traffic Stops This Week between Las Animas & Lamar


BENT COUNTY – As part of its project to add passing and merging lanes and construct other improvements on U.S. 50 in the Hasty area, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is stopping traffic around-the-clock through mid-week to install a new water pipes underneath the highway.   

Flaggers are alternating eastbound and westbound traffic, 24 hours a day through Wednesday, September 12, about 10 miles east of the Fort Lyon turnoff – State Highway 183.   Drivers can expect delays up to 10 minutes.  The speed limit also is reduced to 30 mph through this work zone.  Vehicles wider than 12 feet also are not allowed to travel through the area during work hours.   

Traffic information about this or other CDOT projects is on the cotrip.org website, by calling 511 or via subscription e-mail.  To subscribe, please visit www.coloradodot.info and click on the cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner.  The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to, including Southeast Colorado (Everything East of I-25 and South of I-70).

taking care to get you there
Bob Wilson
Public Relations Manager – Colorado Department of Transportation
(303) 757-9431

Filed Under: communityFeaturedLamarNoticePublic SafetyUtilitiesWiley


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