Brief Agenda for Holly Trustees Board Meeting

The Holly Town Board will hear two public appearances during their regular monthly meeting, Wednesday, August 1, at 7pm. 

Don Seufer, District One candidate for Prowers County Commissioner will appear before the board, as well as Kammie Cathcart of the Holly Pride Committee.  Cathcart has been involved in seeking funding for upgrading the projection equipment at the Holly Theater. 

Under New Business, the Trustees will discuss the need and costs for repairing the Holly Theater roof and wall, consider approval of liquor license renewals for Trailside Liquor and D-M Liquor and appoint a member to the town’s library board for an unexpired term.  Unfinished business will focus on approval of a renewal for the liquor license for Toni’s Lounge. 

Reports will be heard from the Administrator, Town Crew update, Police Commissioner and the Clerk/Treasurer update. 

The Holly Town Board meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Depot at 7pm.

By Russ Baldwin

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