Saturday Clean Up, from 7am to Quittin’ Time


Man and Machine on the Clean Up Path

Branches and twigs and leaves and freezers and stoves, paint, paper, oil, mattresses, tv’s, tires, wood, lumber, cribs, swamp coolers…almost an endless list of all the stuff we buy and eventually discard when it no longer works or no longer amuses us.  All that and more was collected this past Saturday for the City of Lamar’s annual Spring Clean Up Day.  

Communicate, Coordinate, Execute


The Public Works Department had asked that debris be left out on the front curb on Saturday morning, but some homeowners got a head start on Friday afternoon.  And true to form, there were roving road roamers, driving around, looking for a gem or two in the refuse on Friday and Saturday.  Sometimes a little soap and elbow grease can turn a discarded item in a future yard sale bargain.  Leisure Services Director, Rick Akers, said on Saturday, the amount of refuse set out for pickup was pretty hefty and diverse.  There was a good turnout of volunteers to help too, including the ever-faithful and reliable LCC girls sports teams, working under the guidance of Mayor Roger Stagner.  Saturday was a good day for a clean up and the appreciation BBQ held in Willow Creek Park for all who helped.

By Russ Baldwin


Filed Under: Chamber/Local BusinessCollegecommunityEconomyEventsLamarPublic SafetyYouth


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