PCDI Annual Meeting Set for February 16 at Cow Palace Inn
Russ Baldwin | Jan 31, 2012 | Comments 0
Lisa Nolder, PCDI Executive Director, said Kari Linker, Regional Development Director for the Governor’s Office of Economic Development & International Trade, is the keynote speaker for PCDI’s annual meeting, Thursday, February 16 at the Cow Palace Inn, in Lamar. Linker, originally from Brush, CO, served as the Executive Director of the Morgan County Economic Development Corporation, and had been the marketing coordinator, previously.
Four executive board member positions will be open for voting that evening as terms are expiring for Marsha Willhite, Mike Bryant, Deb Choat and Anne-Marie Crampton. Crampton said earlier that she will not run for re-election as she is now a member of the city council and Skip Ruedeman, a city council member, has been serving as the city’s liaison to the board. Willhite said during the monthly meeting, Tuesday, January 31, that she intends to run again and Bryant and Choat said they will consider running for re-election. A person may submit a self-nominating form, or nominations may be made from the floor during the annual meeting. A person must be either a business owner or manager to qualify for board membership. Additional information is available at the PCDI offices at 336-2384.
Board member Gene Millbrand suggested reviewing the PCDI by-laws to allow more than nine members to the board. Currently seven members are voted on and two are appointees from the city and county. PCDI once had as many as 25 members, but that proved to be too unwieldy and the membership was reduced to its present enrollment. Millbrand felt that three additional members would offer better representation from economic areas such as agriculture, retail, banking, education and medical diversifications. The 2012 budget was reviewed and showed an increase for Community Partnerships, an area that had lagged below budget in past years. The most recent contribution is being amortized over a year from one contributor and other donations have been pledged. Over 400 letters have been sent throughout the county requesting donations from organizations, businesses and individuals. The $119,000 annual budget for 2012 is $6,000 under the 2011 budget. The board has planned for an annual fund-raising golf tournament this year and discussed reserving a date at Spreading Antlers Golf Course as quickly as possible. A motion was made to become a member of Ports to Plains for an annual fee of $250, but died for lack of sufficient votes.
The next monthly board meeting will be February 28 at the PCDI offices. Secretary Carla Scranton said anyone wishing tickets to the annual meeting, including the Cow Palace Inn buffet, should contact her at 336-2384. Tickets are $25 per person or a table of eight will cost $175.
By Russ Baldwin
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