Lamar Community College Hosting AgrAbility Seminar in February

CSU Extension Website [Fort Collins, Colo.] For many ranchers and farmers, keeping the family business in the family is extremely important. Teaching children to ranch and farm the proper way, along with the value of good hard work can make a difference in keeping the ranch or farm within the family. Leading with a good example reinforces the values and methods for children. Knowing when and how to ask for help is sometimes overlooked, but it shouldn’t be if being a role model is what you desire. 

Working on a ranch or farm is a very difficult job filled with many strenuous tasks. Although work can be hard and demanding, it is always rewarding. However, debilitating diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or muscular sclerosis may make it difficult for ranchers and farmers to keep their agricultural operations running. Farmers need to know they are not alone, and that there is support out there. Overcoming the feeling of powerlessness that may occur after an injury or accident is crucial for recovering, but  acknowledging that help is needed and looking for help is critical as well.  

In some cases, farmers can alleviate the pain or improve their health with medicine, physical therapy, a new job task technique, or a machine that would allow them to keep doing their jobs and tasks on the farm. Colorado AgrAbility can be the help you are seeking. Colorado AgrAbility is a unique USDA‐funded program run by Colorado State University Extension and Goodwill Industries Denver. The program assists farmers and ranchers with debilitating injuries and diseases so they can stay on their farms and ranches. 

Colorado AgrAbility will host seven free workshops across Colorado this winter. The workshop, ‘Getting Around Better on Your Farm or Ranch with AgrAbility’, will take place from 9:00 a.m. to Noon and includes lunch for those who pre‐register at least one week prior to the workshop. For more information about the Colorado AgrAbility Project or to pre‐register, participants can call Dr. Bob Fetsch (970) 491‐5648, e‐mail him at or visit 

Colorado State University and Goodwill Industries of Denver work together on the Colorado AgrAbility Project to provide on‐site evaluations, resource information, disability workshops, equipment modification and assistive technology. The US Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) provides funding for the Colorado AgrAbility Project. 

About Goodwill Industries of Denver
Goodwill Industries of Denver seeks to reverse the cycle of poverty through career preparation and skills training for at‐risk youth, struggling families and individuals with disabilities. Through its thrift retail operations and community programs, Goodwill is ensuring that every individual in our community has the opportunity to live to their fullest potential and overcome barriers to success and self‐sufficiency.  Visit to learn more. 

Workshop Schedule
Lamar: Wednesday, February 1, 2012, Lamar Community College, Trustee’s Building at 2401 South Main with Bruce Fickenscher (719) 438‐5321.


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