Area Youngsters Receive Free Vision Screening

Lion's Member Jim Farmer Explains How the Test Works to Preschooler

Farmer Using the Eye Test Device

Over a dozen youngsters between three and six years, received a free, quick and painless vision exam this past Tuesday and Wednesday at Little People’s Preschool & Child Care Center in Lamar. The testing unit, called the Welch Allyn SureSight, was purchased earlier this spring by the Lamar Lions Club, using their funds and a $1,000 donation from Lamar Rotary. Each hand-held device costs $6,000.

Lion’s member Jim Farmer was conducting the tests this week. He said no preparation or medication is required for the children. “All the device does is scan each child’s eyes and gives a print-out on the results which a doctor reviews,” he said, “The testers need to be trained on the device, but i’ts really a very simple process.”

Almost one in every twenty children has a chance of developing lazy eye. The SureSight unit can give a family and physician a ‘heads-up’ that there may be a vision problem that needs attention. Farmer said the earlier the better, and that’s where the testing comes into play. Karen Ketcham, Lamar Rotary President, was on hand at the preschool and said the next tests will be done in Holly next Wednesday and more can be expected after the new year.

Each parent receives a written permission slip which must be filled out before any student can be tested.

By Russ Baldwin


Filed Under: communityCountyEducationFeaturedHealthHollyLamarPublic SafetySchoolYouth


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