Prowers Commissioners Review Multi-County Health IGA

Prowers County Courthouse

Keith Siemsen, Prowers County Environmental Health Manager, reviewed the terms of an intergovernmental agreement with Baca, Bent and Kiowa Counties, with the Prowers County Commissioners on Tuesday, November 22.   The agreement provides for a range of services for the three counties which will be performed by Prowers County Public Health and Environment.   As these counties do not have a population base to warrant a full time health manager, some of the duties will be performed through an IGA with Prowers County. 

Siemsen said the duties will be billed on an hourly basis for 2012, and each of the counties will be invoiced for the hours provided.   Some of the areas of concern include:  Food Safety and Sanitation Programs, Water Quality Programs, Zoonosis Programs, Housing and Institutional Sanitation, Safety Monitoring and Protection and Recreation Sanitation and Safety Programs.  The projected fees for all three counties are estimated at just under $10,000 for the 2012 year.   

Siemsen told the Prowers Commissioners that the IGA will be reviewed by county attorney John Lefferdink, as well as each county and the Prowers County Commissioners before it is signed and put ito effect. 

In other action, the commissioners approved a plan for (TANF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Transfer for child care providers in the county, Welcome Home Child Care and for privately owned child care facilities.  The amount provided for 2012 is $207,700.

By Russ Baldwin   


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