Flaggers to Control Traffic at Holly Bridge

CDOT - Colorado Department of Transportation
News From
The Colorado Department
of Transportation
August 9, 2011
Contact:  Bob Wilson, CDOT Public Relations, (303) 757-9431
Flaggers to Control Traffic at Holly Bridge
        PROWERS COUNTY – Flaggers will be directing vehicles through the bridge reconstruction site on State Highway 89 this week, one mile south of Holly, for concrete pouring operations on the new bridge deck.
        On Thursday, August 11, beginning at about 8 p.m., flaggers will alternate northbound and southbound traffic until around 6 a.m. Friday.  Delays are expected to be minimal.   
        Traffic signals normally alternate traffic through the work zone and they will be reactivated after the deck pour is complete.  Stop times are approximately five minutes.  Vehicles wider than 12 feet are not allowed to travel through the area due to the limited width on the one-lane roadway.
        The project is scheduled for completion in November 2011.
        In addition to building a new bridge across the Arkansas River, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) project includes new guardrails, seeding, mulching, signing and striping. 
The current bridge, built in 1949, is being replaced since it is considered structurally-deficient and functionally obsolete.  
        FASTER – Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery – is fully funding the $5.5 million project.  Financed by vehicle registration fees, FASTER established a Statewide Bridge Enterprise, funding the maintenance and repair of Colorado’s most urgent structurally-deficient and functionally-obsolete bridges.  Additional information is accessible at: www.coloradodot.info/projects/faster.

Filed Under: communityHollyNoticePublic SafetyTransportation


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