At the Spreading Antlers Golf Course, Golfers from Lamar and outlying communities competed this past Saturday in the Annual Relay for Life tournament. The event included thirteen 4 Person Teams who played 18 holes of “Scrambles” format. The tournament raised approximately $3800, which was directly donated to the Southeastern Colorado Cancer Initiative. These funds are primarily used to assist cancer patients, awareness and treatments within the county. The “relay for life” team did an exceptional job ensuring that all players enjoyed their day at the Spreading Antlers Golf Course. The course was, as usual, in excellent condition. The help from SAGC management and employees was also great. The winning team “Ace Tires,” received the “Traveling” trophy and a cash prize. The cash prize was donated back to the Relay for Life Fund. Second place was Gobin’s Office Supplies, and third went to Prowers Medical Center. Both of these Teams also donated winnings back to the Relay for Life fund. Once again, the tournament was a success and we thank all those who helped set up the course, plan the auction, and cook the food. “Go Relay for Life Team”.




Filed Under: communityEntertainmentEventsHealthLamarRecreationSports


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