Celebrating a 50 year Career

Prowers County Sheriff Jim Faull with Ben Franco

Prowers County Sheriff Jim Faull with Ben Franco


Ben Franco has retired from law enforcement in Lamar and Prowers County, signaling the end of his half century spent in law enforcement.

Friends, co-workers and associates from the county, city and Colorado State Patrol gathered at the Prowers County Sheriff’s office Monday, February 28, for an informal reception honoring Franco, who is hanging up his badge after five decades of service to his community.

Franco began his employment in law enforcement in 1961, joining the Lamar Police Department where he moved up through the ranks, retiring as chief of police in 1992. He said he was looking for a line of work that would hold his interest. Not willing to sit out to pasture, he began a new career with the Prower’s County sheriff’s department in 1993. Now, he says, he’s planning to travel to Mobile, Alabama to spend some time with his daughter.

Filed Under: communityLamarLaw Enforcement


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