RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "VALE Board"

Granada Trustees Approve New Billing Procedures

Granada Trustees Approve New Billing Procedures

The Granada Trustees approved combining several savings accounts into the general operating account for future transactions. “This will make things less complicated for the town,” said Jackie Malone, Town Clerk.  She said she has to write separate checks from different accounts to pay bills and using a general operating account will be easier.  “Each of […]

Lamar City Council Discusses Bees, Fees and Asbestos

Lamar City Council Discusses Bees, Fees and Asbestos

City ordinances limit residents to only three dogs per residence, but the question arose about keeping bee hives within city limits.  Apparently some residents around 10th and Beech Streets have been bothered by bees, kept in several hives, to produce honey.  Their specific complaint, according to John Sutherland, Lamar City Administrator, was enough of the […]

Canine Dante Joins the LPD Force

Canine Dante Joins the LPD Force

The Lamar Police Department would like to welcome Canine Dante to the police force. Canine Dante and his handler Officer O.J. Pierce have recently returned from a month-long training in Kansas to certify both Dante and Officer Pierce as a canine team. Canine Dante and Officer Pierce are a certified team in locating narcotics, apprehension […]

New Faces Coming to Holly Town Board

New Faces Coming to Holly Town Board

So far, so good, for the match-up of persons wanting to serve on the Holly Town Board and the number of vacancies listed.  Holly Town Administrator Marsha Willhite presented a resolution that will cancel the scheduled April 3 election if no more candidates sign up with the Town Clerk by the March 16 deadline.  The […]