RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Thank You"

Thank You Hospice Volunteers

Thank You Hospice Volunteers

Lamar Area Hospice would like to end Volunteer Week by thanking our volunteers for all of their hard work & time spent helping our organization grow! Last week we were honored to have Mayor Stagner & his wife, Leslie, along with our volunteers, at the office to celebrate with a brunch. While he was here, […]

Website Troubles

Website Troubles

To Our Readers: We appreciate your understanding and patience in your attempts to access the website for The Prowers Journal. We are working to correct the situation in which either the website moves at a snail’s pace, or you simply cannot access it at all. Our website provider and our in-house IT staff are exploring […]

Letter to Editor - Thank you for Support for Donald Seufer, County Commissioner, District 1

Letter to Editor – Thank you for Support for Donald Seufer, County Commissioner, District 1

Dear Editor: I am writing today to thank everyone who supported and voted for my brother, Donald Seufer, candidate for Prowers County Commissioner, District 1. Even though he did not win I am very-very proud of him. — (It is interesting the opponents who have challenged this seat lose by such an extremely narrow-margin when […]

Letter to the Editor - Thank You, In Memory

Letter to the Editor – Thank You, In Memory

Thank you to all our friends and relatives for all the food, flowers and the memorial contributions, as well as all the prayers to help us through our difficult and trying time for beloved mother. We also want to thank Lamar Hospice and Peacock Funeral Home. ” Shadows fall, and life becomes so difficult to […]

S.E. Can Chasers Wrap Up Season

S.E. Can Chasers Wrap Up Season

SECCC Year End Winners 2011  South East Colorado Can Chasers have been around for many years. We try to have barrel races weekly from April thru October.  We would love to see everyone come out and run some cans with us. And a big Thanks to all of our sponsors and volunteers.  We couldn’t do […]

Frontier Bank Donates to World Series Committee

Frontier Bank Donates to World Series Committee

Frontier Bank of Lamar has donated $5,000 to the World Series Committee after learning the Tourism Board reduced their obligation. The bank is loaning the additional $10,000 to the committee at a very respectable rate. After discussing this at their regular board meeting earlier in the week, it was decided that Frontier Bank would get […]