All Entries Tagged With: "Representatives"
Lamar/County, Losing Social Security Reps
Wednesday, May 18 is the last day for Social Security representatives to come to Lamar to assist with resident’s forms and questions. The action comes as a result of severe budget cuts in Colorado. The cutbacks have also eliminated the anticipated computer video monitor which was to be installed at the SOS Center. Any in-person […]
Lamar Social Security Visit Cancelled
There will be no Social Security representatives visiting the Senior Center in Lamar on Wednesday, April 20, 2011, due to budget cutbacks. The next scheduled visit from Social Security representatives will be Wednesday, May 18, 2011. All other business with Social Security must be taken to the La Junta office. Please call 1-888-221-0429 for […]
Your Legislative Representatives
U.S. Senator Mark Udall (Dem) Washington, D.C. Hart Office Building Suite SH-317 Washington, D.C. 20510 P: 202-224-5941 F: 202-224-6471 Coloradans, call toll-free: 877-7-MUDALL (877-768-3255) U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (Dem) Washington, D.C. Office 702 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-5852 Fax: (202) 228-5036 State Senator Greg Brophy (Rep) District 1 […]