All Entries Tagged With: "PJ Wilson"

Holly Commercial Club Update from August Meeting
The Holly Commercial Club meets at noon on the first Wednesday of the month at the Holly Methodist Church. Activities from the past meeting, August 1, include: The Treasurer’s Report was given by Darlene Bruce. Monthly balance was $868.41 and year to date was reported at $9,724.61. The Shopper Report was presented by […]

Anthony Moldenhauer Newest Holly Board Trustee
The Holly Board of Trustees became complete during the monthly meeting, Wednesday, July 11, with the approval of Anthony Moldenhauer’s letter of interest to serve on the town board. The board meeting was postponed a week due to the July 4 holiday, and Moldenhauer was administered his oath of office at the outset of […]

Lamar City Council to Act on City Administrater/PJ Wilson Replacement
The Lamar City Council will make some decisions regarding future personnel following their 5:30pm executive session this Monday evening, March 12. Three candidates for councilman PJ Wilson’s Ward II seat will be interviewed in executive session. The deadline for submission of names was last Wednesday, March 7. Wilson is resigning from the council as he […]

Wednesday Deadline for Ward II Replacement
Qualified candidates for the Lamar City Council seat being vacated by PJ Wilson have until this Wednesday, March 7 to submit their application. The forms must be turned in by 1pm on that day. The council has until April 9, thirty days after the vacancy occurs, to fill the position for councilman for Ward ll. […]

City Council Ponders Employee Compensation, Amtrak Lobbying Funds
The Lamar City Council dealt with several financial issues during their February 27 meeting…compensation for city employees who furthered their education for increased job performance, funding to help maintain an Amtrak route through southeast Colorado, a home winterization project for qualified citizens and the purchase of a replacement bookmobile for the Lamar Library. The evening […]

Lamar Council Reviews Ball Field Misuse and Unemployment Fund
Citizen’s Ballfield at the Lamar Sports Complex has recently received some rough treatment. Rick Akers, city Leisure Services Director expressed his concern to the city council during Monday night’s meeting, May 23. Akers said the backstop pads at the new softball field had baseball imprints embedded into them, apparently from baseballs hit towards them at […]

Council Negotiators to Meet with County/McCrea New Lamar Police Chief
Lamar Council Offers Congratulations to Parkview Students Council Congratulates Gary McCrea on his promotion of Lamar Police Chief Councilmen PJ Wilson and Kirk Crespin and Deputy City Administrator Bill Pfeilsticker were selected to represent the city in future negotiations with the county to develop a new five year joint agreement for financing the 911 Authority Board/Dispatch […]

Colorado Brownfields Foundation Reviewing Lamar Asbestos Situation
Decades ago, when asbestos was considered a good way to insulate, not much was known about the health precautions needed when using the substance. Numerous homes and commercial buildings in Lamar were insulated with it, floors, walls, attics and even ceiling tiles. Over the years some of those buildings have become […]