RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "EPA"

Holly Trustees Focus on Water Issues

Holly Trustees Focus on Water Issues

  The state health department and the Environmental Protection Agency are requiring commercial and industrial water lines to be equipped with backflow devices which prevent the spread of contaminated water into a community’s drinking water system. The Holly Trustees were briefed on the development during their monthly January meeting by Mark Hartman, a water circuit […]

Funding Crucial to Ports to Plains Development

Funding Crucial to Ports to Plains Development

A series of connected highways running 1,390 miles from Mexico to Canada through Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and other northward states Dakota make up the basic Ports to Plains Corridor project. Lamar hosted a regional meeting this past Wednesday, July 15,  allowing participants to learn about the most recent developments for highway development and the need […]

Holly Trustees Approve Sale of Town Equipment

Holly Trustees Approve Sale of Town Equipment

  The Holly Board of Trustees gave unanimous approval to a resolution to sell about a dozen pieces of used town equipment.  The specific manner of the sale will be selected later, but interim Town Administrator, Jerry L’Estrange, said he’d develop a few options for putting the items on the market.  A random sampling includes […]

2014 Year in Review-September/October

2014 Year in Review-September/October

September: Shawna Hodge, Executive Director for Lamar Partnership Incorporated, announced that the city had won first place for the 2014 Colorado Main Street of the Year.  She said the selection was made by the Colorado Main Street Advisory Board and announced by the State Department of Local Affairs.  The judging was based on two criteria:  […]

ARPA Resolves Years Long Legal Battle with WildEarth Guardians

ARPA Resolves Years Long Legal Battle with WildEarth Guardians

  ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority and the Lamar Utilities Board have ended their legal battles dating back to 2009 with the environmental group, WildEarth Guardians, over the emissions levels from the Lamar Repowering Project.  The agreement resolves two lawsuits filed against the utilities relating to air emissions levels.  The utilities groups will pay $450,000 […]

Holly Trustees Make Appointments for 2013

Holly Trustees Make Appointments for 2013

Board and committee appointments occupied most of the regular business of the Holly Trustees during their first meeting of the New Year, this past Wednesday evening, January 9.  The top four positions were maintained by unanimous vote with Marsha Willhite as Town Administrator, Darla Scranton-Specht as Town Attorney, Kim Verhoeff as Municipal Judge and Sheriff […]

Letter to the Editor - Skip Ruedeman - Politics & Energy

Letter to the Editor – Skip Ruedeman – Politics & Energy

Letter to the Editor Holy Cow! Have we lost view of common sense? Wouldn’t it be comforting if the politicians would think before they said something? Why would I expect that after listening to these folks for almost two years that they would say something that would make sense. Does wind energy make sense? It […]

Congressman Gardner Meets with Lamar Council

Congressman Gardner Meets with Lamar Council

  Touching upon such subjects as Wind Production Tax Credit, the Arkansas Valley Conduit, agricultural growth in Colorado, the national budget and EPA restrictions, U.S. Fourth Congressional District Congressman, Cory Gardner, met with the Lamar City Council and department heads this past Friday, October 5.   Gardner was touring a portion of his district in southeast […]

Radon Information Sessions Set for Prowers County

Radon Information Sessions Set for Prowers County

Prowers County Public Health and Environment (PCPHE) is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in a nationwide campaign to educate Americans about the dangers of radon exposure and to encourage them to take action to protect their homes and families. In our community, […]

ARPA & WildEarth Guardians Unable to Reach Settlement

ARPA & WildEarth Guardians Unable to Reach Settlement

Lamar, Colorado, January 25, 2012.  ARPA Press Release Representatives of the Arkansas River Power Authority (ARPA) participated in a court-ordered settlement conference on January 23, 2012 in an effort to resolve WildEarth Guardians’ pending lawsuit regarding alleged Clean Air Act violations at the Lamar Repowering Project. The conference did not result in a settlement.  “We […]

January is Colorado Radon Action Month,  Hickenlooper Urges Coloradans to Test for Radon Gas

January is Colorado Radon Action Month, Hickenlooper Urges Coloradans to Test for Radon Gas

DENVER —Gov. Hickenlooper has signed a proclamation declaring January as Colorado Radon Action Month, a perfect time for Coloradans to test their homes for radon, a radioactive gas responsible for hundreds of Colorado cancer deaths each year. The colorless, odorless, tasteless gas enters homes through cracks in the floor or spaces around utility pipes and […]

Tanks Are Out

Tanks Are Out

Two, ten-thousand gallon gas tanks were pulled out of the ground at the former Ken Roe’s Gas Station on South Main Street on Thursday afternoon, January 5. Various pieces of excavation equipment dug away at the two tanks which apparently sat one on top of another. Environmental inspectors took several soil samples from the surrounding […]